Tuesday, May 31, 2011

30 Day Challenge - I'm in!

I read a lot of blogs (admittedly too many). One of my favorites (The Macs) posted a great challenge yesterday and it starts tomorrow! It's a 30 day challenge to spend quiet time with the Lord every day!

My quiet time has always suffered because I hate getting up in the morning.  I once convinced myself that it didn't have to be in the morning, but never followed through.  (Pretty much proving that it has to be in the morning, before the day starts!)
My plan is to start with 10 minutes each morning for the first week.  I will be reading/praying through the Psalms.  (Let me know if you have any suggestions!)

I will increase my time by 5 minutes each week.  My goal is to be regularly having at least 30 minutes of quiet time each day by July 1st.  If you are reading this (all 2 of you :-)), I would love encouragment and/or prayer.  I can't wait to see what God does with this challenge!



Tuesday, April 26, 2011


So it has been far too long since my last post!  As much as i enjoy reading blogs, I've finally come to the realization that my life is just too busy to be able to post as often as I should.  Fellow bloggers: How do you get into the routine of posting regularly?

Excuse me as I pretend that I have followers that will actually read this.

In case any of you are not friends with me on facebook, I've (sort of) recently gotten into baking cakes.  I've always loved baking, but I've sort of gone crazy over it.  Here are a few of the cakes/projects I have done recently have pictures of:

Monster Cupcakes - Halloween 2010

Super Bowl XLV - Steelers vs. Packers

Super Bowl XLIV - Saints vs. Colts
My Nephew, Jackson's 1st Birthday - March 2011

My niece, Makayla's 5th Birthday - February 2011
My Mom's 50th Birthday - April 2011

A few things I should share about this hobby:
  • I have learned everything from the Internet and from friends that decorate.  I have a DVD sitting at home to watch but I haven't gotten around to watching it.
  • Cake decorating is only made possible by my awesome hubby.  He cleans the kitchen when I'm done (or at the very least helps with the kitchen).
  • The best thing I've figured out is how to hide my mistakes.  Since I have not taken any classes, I'm sure I do things the hard way.  But polka dots, zebra stripes, etc are great ways to cover up mistakes!
  • I am super slow!  Even though I bake the cakes at least one day before, it usually takes me anywhere between 4 - 8 hours to complete the decorating.  I have been known to forgo any sleep, food, etc until I am completely finished.  (obsessed, much?)
  • Cupcakes are much easier, but can also take up a lot of time.
So that's all for now!  I just wanted to share. If I ever get a decent camera, maybe I'll document the entire process (with a disclaimer that my methods are probably not the best way to do things, of course!)

Hope y'all are having a fabulous week!  I would love a comment or two if anyone happens to read this.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

to my VERY neglected blog!  Will work on posting more and reading less. =)
